1) I am interested in what people think, especially on this election day and tonight as the polls close.
2) To encourage everyone who see's this to join node (hit me up I'll send you an invite) cause it's awesome.
Ok, so here's my rant:
So here's the thing: And let me pre-empt this with the fact that I am a political junkie, it's one of my nerdiest qualities, and not long ago enjoyed gainful employment in the field, and while I am democrat, this is not a politically motivated post.
See as much as I loved the GAME, the all nighters with spreadsheets, the podcast marathon while entering data, turf cutting...I loved it, but I new I could never be a politician, cause I can be a bit of dick. I am passionate about what I believe in, in my moral code, but congress is for law and sausage making, and it takes a certain level head to handle a world of compromise.
And this is not left wing, thing or an anti-tea party thing, (though the candidates the tea party nominated have spurned this thought,) I think you can be a complete Constitutional 'Originalist' (ie someone who thinks that the Founders had an Original intent that was corrupted at the beginning of the last century, and cemented with the New Deal) and still not be a jerk about it. You can feel that way and still respect that others may reasonably disagree.
And if you can't make that leap, then maybe you shouldn't be in Congress. I think this goes too for die hard Keynesian economists and leaders as well. If you can't separate a philosophy from an individual, how on earth can I expect you to lead my country with a level head?
(Anyway, I am probably not saying anything John Stewart won't say on the 30th, it's just been bugging, me of late and I'd thought I'd through it out there for anyone who is interested in the conversation...) editors note: originally written before Saturday's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear I'm leaving this in cause it's so true, "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing!"
Please note, I am less interested in one's personal political philosophy (though I think its absolutely valid, whatever it is) and I am not looking to start a rumble. I am just curious, as, at this point, a passive, disenfranchised member of the active political elites (as it were anyway) what people think about the discourse.
Again feel free to reply with whatever moves you, but remember Politics is in many ways like Comedy, at the end of the day it comes from how one was raised, what benefits them and their loved ones most, and what they think an ideal future looks like, or in a word, it's subjective. We don't get anywhere if we don't listen to each other, and I think we stopped listening to each other sometime after the 02 midterms, so going on 8 years now I guess.
Anyway, stoked to be here, and listen to the podcast! It's SPOOOOOOOOOKYYY!
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